Though you always remain unseen
Invisible to my eyes with limited focus
And incomprehensible to my puny mind
Leaping like a monkey that lacks patience
I sit not quietly, to carefully weave together
The available evidence for your being
Ending at the end in doubting you
Failing to feel your presence pleasing to heart
And compelling to my conscience
I am rarely ready to choose your will
And walk in the path that you choose
As it winds through the dark valley
Lacking fame for self, with repeated failure
And deficient with worldly wealth
You have always remained sufficient
For the saints who cherished your presence
They learnt the art of quiet mind
And the heart that houses only your throne
Emptying their vessel, they sailed calm
But I am growing like that plant bent
And choked by crowded surrounding
Desperately moving towards the life
Giving sun to shine on her body
To yield a few fold before drooping to die
Hence I pray you stoop down to lift me up
To that realm of your regular presence, grace
That I may breathe in and breathe out
Nothing but your life giving silver rays
To make my limbs strong and stout
Henry Victor 25.01.2008
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