Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bird in Bush!

Life I take in hand like grabbing the bird in bush
And begin to beat, bang, battle and bounce
As if I am beating, battling and bouncing clay
To make a flawless cup
From which I may sip, and at other times gulp
Deriving a pleasing taste for tongue
That my mind may announce to soul: ‘indeed pleasure’
But only to end up with great pain
While my being fly and flee like the bird in bush!

This time I let life pick me like that bird in bush
Picking a worthless, wriggling worm
She picks, pecks, pinching me into pieces
To make me a faultless sup
For herself, her offspring, and then their poop
Deriving from my life a quick kick
While I mumble within my restless soul: ‘painful pain’
A whispering not heard outside my heart
As life is perished inside the belly of a bird in bush!

Henry Victor 15.12.2005

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