since my journey is through night
and i grope in darkness
while death like vipers creep all around
i look up for light from your stars
that i may see my path
i ask, from you, not for wealth
nor a shelter for me to sleep tonight
for i must journey towards that dawn
i ask you to prevent that dark cloud
clouding my mind
that courage may prevail
on my onward march
and when the passage is over
i seek not a trophy
but that extinction of the rain drop
in that ocean of your memory
Henry, That's great but the last image of a ''raindrop in the ocean'' is difficult to grasp.A drop will vanish in an ocean! So you could end on that note of hope.
Rain drop becoming part of the ocean, from where it began is a Sufi way of talking about human divine merging - or put it in other words the oneness of the divine human! There is no human without divine; and there is no divine outside the human/world! That's the point that is conveyed in that image. It is rooted in the hope of returning to the very source. It is a way of saying that your life is not wasted at the end!It is not vanishing but merging! Remember, now the ocean is bigger too! The rain drop has that potential!
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