Tuesday, February 28, 2012

new lush life

the winter tree freed
the old summer, divorcing
spouse, to take new spring

the divorced tree

the winter tree divorced
of leaves, naked, yet standing
tall; him i imitate

the naked tree

naked winter tree
divorced now by spouse, the leaves
i stand straight in cold

winter trees

naked winter trees
with nerve to withstand that cold
i whine not my pain


naked winter trees
i witnessed, witnessing me
i remain transparent

Sunday, February 26, 2012

bold cup

that cheap cup crafted
in China, cracked currently
crowding celestial Chai


yet another cup

inexpensive cup
crafted in China, but cracked
yet crowded with Charm

another cup

inexpensive cup
crafted in China, cracked now
but teeming with Grace


the other cup

inexpensive cup
crafted in China, cracked
now but filled with Grace


inexpensive cup
crafted in China, i am
soon to be cast-off


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

croaking this night

i am locked behind the locked door
with ground outside frozen with snow
and trees around the house are nude
to hide nakedness of that brighter bird

my prying eyes, however, pry on fate
feeling with inside of my palm her form
placing on chest my ear to feel her heart
the pulse that direct my soul in the route

my baggage is heavy and burdensome
with my mind racing to many victories
with no single victory stand to alight
and i, a frog, croak to death this night


Sunday, February 12, 2012


with garments of silky humility
you entered my orchard
tasting and eating from trees
i planted and watered

with my own sweat and blood
but soon you cut open fences
of all four sides of my grove
like that military enemy

implementing Tamil genocide
unclothed now you also invited
strange men to my teak bed
making it comical for them

driving me into neighbourhood
new and derelict to be serviced
by the Edmonton food bank
and other drop in centres


hope in change

change is at my door step
i must welcome her
old lady who occupied my main floor
is leaving my home

i must let her go
with her there in my upstairs
was much whining
and i had no time

to relax, or
take care of my sugar level
and my old dreams were
frequently nightmarish
while my sleep was shallow
and my stomach half empty
making me a dog
walking with no purpose

change is likely to clean up
mess the old woman left behind
scrubbing floor and countertops
before thinking of a new menu
and a new venue
for dancing and singing
driving further away my baggage
burden of bygone days and nights


new and evolving memory

those silky colourful curtains on my windows
frail memories to my past days and nights
you tore it into pieces like the crocodile
tearing the flesh and drowning her prey

that zebra, innocent animal who came
to quench his thirst in the African water-hole

this act of scattering a precious person
Justin, my grandson judges as brutal

and wicked considering a monster
like you not part of his new and evolving
memory rooted well in the cuddling
of the grandfather, making him cackle
