Friday, November 1, 2013

the Nazarene

disquieting was his uncompromising
message of nonconformity
to the monotonous masses
crafty priests, and aristocratic bastards

he confirmed unhesitatingly the same
with his short and swift life ending
on a cross, a climax hastened by men
and women, with limited wisdom

sensibilities, denying space for innovative
spirit and unexpected news combined
with unconventional means of communication
dying but retaining, unashamedly, memories

of his staunch and stable support
for the under-dogs alienated, utterly
by the so called nobility laundering
the power filled creed, cult, and culture

henry victor     05.07.2002


Verapoiesis said...

And the message prevails along the time, echoeing to the new deafs the character they forget, the underdogs and their leashes and masters, all in all, the servitude to a life that is not.

Henry Victor, PhD said...

Thanks Mario for your comment.