Monday, June 25, 2018

dust to dust

i read collecting novel dreams
and additional information with breaking news
for my students in classrooms to beat
every dust in way to their becoming

greedily push my offerings
into tiny minds like huge gunny bags
assuming a smooth
and successful sailing in this world

i read collecting novel dreams
and additional information with breaking news
for men, women, and children of dust
with pretentious and pious faces in holy spaces

they sing and dance my offerings
into hardened hearts like multi-holed paper bags
assuming they now had in hand
their passport to a nether world

with neither a smooth sailing in this world
nor a hope to enter an after-world
of gods and goddesses
i with a firm conviction of my being dust

and to dust i return i now pause
to look at the present moment, soon to fly away
like dust on the surface of this world
before another present, yet another dust, is present

henry victor      07.05.2007

Note: Picture here is a photograph of my two-year-old granddaughter Josephine Victor’s artistic creation!

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