Monday, November 12, 2018

stoning and snowball throwing

i fled in fear from fellows
who felt might is right
and lost no time
implementing what they considered
exact and precisely accurate

hunting down
and stoning prophets
following their precursors
hesitating not
opposed and maligned Amos
Hosea, Jeremiah, and John the Baptist

now i sit, silently
with more hurt
and no further energy to sprint
among masses with language of right
tinged with democracy
spending moment after moment
networking with similar color
class, creed, similar speech
and a malevolent ‘hi’
with a filthy smile
while dodging liberties
of alternate voices and vision

these enemies
of modern day prophets
playfully fling snowballs
on heralds of peace
more painful
than the earlier stoning

henry victor     18.08.2002

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