Saturday, January 19, 2019

my poem

i held as the essence of a poem
a music, i added to my lines

images and metaphor
spices, i sprinkled over
a song sweet
i hoped, would emerge

my ugly face
i saw like a broken vase
discerning in my art
my derelict self

before i come of age
i look for a paper
and a publisher
now to boost my visage

henry victor     11.02.2006

Thursday, January 17, 2019


i am not posting a poem
i need to revise, myself
today, eliminating
much i wrote in the past

i chose wrong words, theme
and faulty rhyme, forcing
in too many alliterations
strengthening suppositions

seldom i let go, but with care
and un-forgetfulness, hoarding
my hurts, instead walking away
from the folly of yesterday
henry victor         17.01.2019

i build my today

divorcing the lunatic asylum
of yesterday that gave my roof
bed, food, and park to roam
around as my best comfort

i build my today in the thin air
on nothing, hoping my heart
will soar into tomorrow, better
than my many yesteryear

in the name of good human
husbanding, fathering, later
in a grandiose lunacy of owning
my name i helplessly stole earlier

henry victor          17.01.2019

Thursday, January 10, 2019

rock style religion

rock has evolved a spirituality
acquiring a living style of firmness
beyond that of a hermit
affected neither by cold
nor the heat that burn
both a pharisaic praise
and a cynic’s contempt

with rock
none can induce pain
nor cause a pleasing pleasure

for the soul of the rock
neither affirm, with affection
nor deny the creator, benevolent
remaining stone silent
as the Rockies

henry victor         05.12.2003