A capable wife is far more precious than jewels.
Best wife she is and the husband will lack none.
Caring him, she does good, all the days of her life.
Diligently she seeks wool and flax, working with willing hands.
Eager she is like a ship of the merchant to bring food.
For she rises while it is still night to provide task for her household.
Goes to consider and buy a field with her money to plant.
Her mind she girds with strength and makes her arms strong.
I see her profitable produce and her lamp never goes out at night.
Joining those weaving clothes, she holds the spindle.
Keenly she opens her hand to the poor, reaching out to the needy.
Leaves out fear for her home when it snows.
Makes herself coverings and her clothing is fine linen and purple.
Never her husband is unknown in the city gates.
On account of her industriousness she makes garments to sell.
Power and pride are her clothing, and she laughs at all times.
Quenches she, the quest for wisdom, teaching kindness.
Reading well the ways of her family, she inspires hard work.
Sooner her children rise up, they call her happy.
Too many have done excellently, but a good wife surpasses them.
Unnecessary is charm, but a God fearing woman is to be praised.
Value her, giving the right share, and acknowledging her worth.
Worthy is a woman striving to be a good wife.
X-ray tube is as a good wife that generates healing and energy.
Yama, the god of the dead, too will bow down seeing a good wife.
Zillion praises are offered to a good wife, with the ultimate being.
Henry Victor 22.01.2003