Friday, January 23, 2015

not a black cat

are you one, or a platoon i know not
and i am neither wrong, nor right
in my speaking of you!

do the birds and the animals
like me, have a you to turn to
to bring to a you their pleadings and prayers!

this too, with other unanswered questions
in my mind i am likely to brush aside
as childish, meaningless quest or, join
the multitude who have an easy answer:
there is no god
but fools follow superstition!

my blunt mal-adjustment to the world
permit not
me to run with them either!

and if you were the black cat
i am looking for in the darkest night
in the darkest room
but with a careful focus
i may settle with a hey
but you are neither that!

henry victor      19.01.2015

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