Saturday, February 7, 2015

death of the ego

the mud they draped on my body
has pricked and penetrated my ego
through my clothing and skin
confirming vulnerability of my soul!

hence i pray that you install
in me the mind of Christ
to let go all that comfort
i seek while against pain i rebel!

help me drop off those outer garments
in which i put too much trust
until i stand, nay, hang in my loincloth
and to you, my soul, i learn to entrust!

assist me also to let go my spouse
my best support, and daughter
my greatest joy, and cease
crying for ties that ties me tight to my world!

inspire me to plod ahead in my path
though this winds through Golgotha
to enliven that undying truth:
true life seldom un-embraces an ego’s death!

1 comment:

ravindran said...

Veritable proding tutelage lines.articulating poetic truth.