Thursday, August 23, 2018


after i heard that ‘shut up’
right inside my ear
an invisible monster
a formless fear
entered my abode

and silenced
my tattered couches
and the cushions
that continuously echoed
and re-echoed
those foot-falls of your soft feet

now i continue to float
with the music of your silence
sounds instructing my soul
dancing your songs
even after you had left

at the day’s end
the old man’s house is bereft
of a constantly chirping bird
in whose eyes hung my hope
giving me direction
for my remaining distance
to cope with courage
my pilgrimage to heaven’s gate
that final bed warm and soft
requiring no brain
to discern
to stop at red

henry victor                  12.02.2013

Monday, August 13, 2018

from night

i wake with empty thoughts
but your essence overflows
filling all my emptiness
and every cave like cavity

in my days, but demanding
not to bend my knees before you
giving me not any extra grace
if i were to name you with praise

you expect me to work hard
thinking black and white thoughts
leaving enough space also for grey
thus is your prompt to live my day

henry victor          12.08.2018  

Thursday, August 9, 2018

another unresponsive love

your cold hearted unresponsiveness
to my seeking you so fervently
makes my heart slow down
threatening even to stop pumping

that life giving blood to flow
to every fibre of my being
your hiding your face
and letting me not know your dwelling

that i may not reach you
to plead with you listen to supplications
overflowing from my heart
the centre of my desolations

your running away from me
with those gold ear-studs
your stone deafness and silence
of that widest wilderness

not even a camel, the desert ship
can enable me to reach you
to deliver my message
for my becoming whole

henry victor           16.04.2010

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

spicing my creativity

pain, fire that purifies gold, my soul
and patience, cooling time
for the settling of my mind
are spices for my creativity

constructing my poem, my life
making my song from deep
within my heart prompting a dance
for my body to increase flexibility

for the river within to flow freely
into the wider ocean, eternal cosmos
with neither birth to celebrate
nor death to mourn

henry victor          04.05.2010

Saturday, August 4, 2018


if you do not want to tell me
the joys
of your friday evening
why should i reveal to you
my pain

you will remain
a stranger
not a brother, not a ...

i let you go

henry victor            03.08.2018

not cosmetics

naturally, i am handsome
with no need for cosmetic

but by nature i am ugly
needing a systematic scrubbing
of my heart

henry victor          04.08.2018