Tuesday, July 10, 2018

stopping by an unkempt lawn

the train journey was long!
the whole night it did prolong
but i was down, from train, by dawn 
beside an unkempt lawn

neither my family nor me
knew why we got off at such a wee
hour of the day when destination
had not arrived; nor was this a station

for a train to stop! but white bunnies
two that drew my immediate notice
and at the end, i happened to learn
that these two, the only i did yearn

not to own did i, with folks, stop here
but with spouse and spawn to care!
my destiny did pass through this land
this lonely prairie property so grand

someone content with their lot of no gain
earlier, too had stopped to touch the pain
the wounds of these helpless creatures
and it is my turn now to love the bunnies

henry victor      21.04.2007

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