Thursday, August 29, 2013

buying and selling

unlike those days in my motherland, today
in my adopted-land despite its abundance
rarely i find one to give, or to receive
but in plenty are those that sell, or for buying

what cannot be sold is dumped
for elimination with those incapable
to buy, and those who lobby giving
too, will be pushed to the margin

to be marginalized, to be maligned
and silenced like a sheep ready for shearing
in a world taking from, and taking ruthlessly,
acceptable, than sharing with the needy

henry victor     28.08.2013

Friday, August 16, 2013

building your rule

my mind just for a moment, like a bee
on the flower, grazes along your throne, the grace!
yet, i like you to exert, to dictate, with force
the journey, the direction and content of  my soul

with its luggage, my being to build your rule
uprooting my heart from amidst that rat race
of erecting larger ware houses, storage space
storing the harvest of abundance with tilted scale

that also renders your seat irrelevant in a world
where Jesus and his colleagues receive a lip deal,
and no more, in a scope where shopping for gold
is, for someone on the trail, a substantial meal

henry victor     14.08.2013

Friday, August 2, 2013

seeing geraniums, thinking beauty

hundred times every single day
i, with simple lenses, photograph
my geraniums in my garden
to store them in the album

that i take to my eternity;
these blooms are my women
whose faces i gaze upon untiringly!
in them i see Grace, a gift

to an undeserving soul
saving me from gloom and harm,
prompting me to pick up my brush
to paint, adding more geraniums

to that invisible Garden beyond
where there is neither toil
nor need for rest, nor men
or women to entertain a painter

henry victor     01.08.2013