Saturday, October 19, 2013

a matter of fact

in this soil of special spells
the attire alters with cold, not so cold
warm, and really warm, merging
into a unisex code, for similar need

in that land of lavish castes and class
the dress differs, defiantly with levels
of learning, weight of wallet, and social status
with one gender expelling the other

henry victor     13.06.2002


take off … to feel the poetry

peep not into my private cell with greedy
lust to establish control over my dungeon
a collection of poems, and prowl
not like a wolf, a dangerous dog, and crawl
not to pounce on me as the wildest cat
when entering this hallowed precincts

take off, then, your footwear and the headgear
and make sure to come, and with me suffer;
empty your mind and come into my heart
that sacred struggle to silently feel

henry victor     20.06.2002




Friday, October 18, 2013


with these bleak and busted building blocks
from derelict dreams of my exhausted mind
my trampled soul has dared to dream despite
the bleeding wound in my battered body

this discarded child from that ruined family
earlier neglected student of the deserted village
intends not to bend bruised knees to insolent might
even if he were to be pushed into a ghost town

with that broken pot and empty can the beaten spirit
will continue on that abandoned boat to reconstruct
the wretched wrecked life and rebuild the burnt house
watering also the sun scorched plants in the parched land

henry victor     17.06.2002



i stand in front of your wide face
facing, day after day, your magnanimity
to permit tiny boats to fearlessly float
beside massive ocean liners

but i still not have learnt that art
of nobility, while you in spite
of your power and your volume
you still respect your neighbor’s line

and you never intrude into that
boundary except when angry
while i with all my smallness
always try to push my reigning

even into territories belonging not
to me expecting others to leave
room for me, with that absolute
freedom to move and reign
henry victor     10.06.2002

Thursday, October 17, 2013


my mind flees to those days of my gardening
making flowers of pink, red, yellow, and other
taking my stand with plants in rain and sunshine
as i’m washed in the lashing showers, becoming

part of the ocean, the source of all life
not petrified by thunder and lightening
that prompts the faint hearted to escape
to hide timidly under roof avoiding strife!

my spirit yearns for those days of flower making
making flowers of pink, red, yellow, and other
walking upright as soft drizzle shower on my head
while my soul dances singing, all is green grass!

henry victor      17.06.2002

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

living contradictions

she lives immersed in her own backwaters, smaller dreams
unspoken thoughts she is unaware of  like improper breathing
that is likely to kill her soul before freeing it to fly high in sky
to stand tall in that human mall of buying, selling and loving

occasionally like a playful dolphin in larger waters, an ocean
wide and deep, she props her nose as if fresh air breathing
is her top priority, for a moment making even ocean liners
to stop, to pause, to record in a horizon danger is brooding

this makes contradictory impressions in my own mind
constantly changing colours, texture and tones, freeing
fast, the previous image like a cooler evening firmament
completely dependent on that fire ball, the sun sliding

henry victor     15.09.2013


making of a destiny

you make me by moulding my frequent fall
my crashing from top of the tall coconut palm
my vandalizing those around that, now, come
back to me with the force of a trampling bull

charging on my being with already broken bones
as if you are making solid bricks mixing dry terra cotta
my desires, my dreams, including my pick-pocketing
other’s flaws, mixing with flow of water, my misfortune

like that bath tub faucet breaking, making my wallet
leak while i searched the market for the rare cartridge
to avert the waste of water, much draining into drainage
but me only pocketing pain, a bigger speeding ticket

henry victor     30.09.2013