Thursday, May 31, 2018

cushioning of nests

murmuring i heard coming through windows
not shut in heaven closer to corridors
opened to slums of children!

heaven confused of ambitious preachers
serving prestigious churches in cities
while sanctuaries elsewhere permanently deserted!

generous gifts and atmosphere of apathy
produced by great organ-music so expensive
are signs for pinnacle of worldly success!

costly stained glass windows permit not
into sanctuary rays of light from slums
and the loud grief and cries of children!

supply station has been transformed by the rich
and their angelic allies into the place of refuge
with no errands except cushioning of nests!

henry victor     21.07.2002

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

nothing to nothing

he died alone
with barely a cloth
merely to cover
just his loin

a cloth? Yes
but not to take with him
no! but to make the other
feel a little better

and with it
he left a challenge
a deeper thought
an inspiration

again, a muse
to return
making me disown
all i foolishly own

or, i strive to own
even that love
i have for him
who is nothing

henry victor     22.10.2002

last act

dying with courage is the last act
i wait to complete, emptying the body
with all its craving and envy to enjoy
the ecstasy of no more misery

then i shall join the multitude
of my ancestors hitherto have departed
to the enviable mansion; happy
they are now with no more tears, nor pain

many men and women struggle to depart
this life with ease avariciously clinging
to this world with ache; emancipation
they see not in healing death

henry victor     29.10.2002

Saturday, May 26, 2018

fellow creatures

domination and desire
for greater dominance
over other fellow creatures
multiply their powerlessness

unseen they suffer
unheard they cry
in agony they linger
in loneliness they die

and their fate
under human control
until the rise of a volcano!

henry victor     10.10.2002

Friday, May 25, 2018

conquering the insubstantial

i remember well: i was not even ten
and my brother in teen
you taught me to beat the devil
conquering the insubstantial
as we walked in the dark
where non-stop the dogs bark!

now i take rest in the thought:
to come out too late, i ought
not, lest my daughter fear the devil
when one, for sure, she finds
in this land where two are absent:
dogs that bark
and nights that are dark

henry victor     29.10.2002

paradigm of gratitude

mountain ash, elm, poplar and weeping
willow, my cherished sisters
children of my mother earth
you are a paradigm of gratitude

the blanket you knit to cover
our naked mother as the cold winter
advances to cover her feeble body
sustaining us in life and in death

shedding your very organ, you absorb
the energy our father sun sends
with such impartiality on the selfish
and the very liberal to warm and nourish,

your willing sacrifice puts me
to shame that i, the leader
with all my learning have mastered
nothing but egotistic grabbing

and have miserably failed
to learn even basic skills
on generous giving
you teach eloquently with regularity

henry victor     09.10.2002

i submit

gentle breeze; can be
windy, rarely cyclonic
i watch and submit

henry victor     13.08.2002

Thursday, May 24, 2018

smashed soul

i make a mental note, or a verbal promise
then go and put off errands forgetting
my commitments like a potato to simply sit
not following through the unspoken word

or in haste spoken
though they still define
my being, my reliability
and soul’s integrity!

my following through, in fact
my negligence is also followed up
with greater care
now sitting on the throne

as judge with mitre on head
and fire underneath
to slice self before it is fried, or boiled
thoroughly before it is mashed

a verdict i may not cherish
looking for more energy to bury self               
as deep as i can so no gods may resurrect
to haunt, or hunt me

when i’m already burdened
with too many baggage
broken promises and unfinished tasks
to fly away, or to run and hide!

henry victor     09.08.2002

masking truth

to love and to be loved by you
i kept concealing facts
masking truth
and invented an apparent reality

i said to my soul when rooted
in love and assured of your growth
and when that moment has arrived
i shall plainly speak

but when the moment was here to speak
accuracy, i spoke another lie to cushion
your heart while carrying in my heart
the pain caused by speech not so plain

henry victor     15.08.2002