Friday, August 10, 2012

cardboard box

not a recyclable cardboard
box am i
yet considered a garbage
out there
waiting to be transported
from the face, the familiar surface
with my face already
removed to be carted with neither
labour nor fuel

recyclable cardboard
box if i were
i would not be considered a garbage
out there
instead baled up and thrown in the back
of a truck
along with tons of cardboard
to be carted
for miles to that hydro-pulper to soak
my face, my whole being
giving me a new identity

for a cardboard box unlike me
has a second chance, another life



Maria Elisa Castellanos Solá said...

A strong metaphor where the cardboard box, despite being a waste, has the chance of a second life unlike the author of the poem. The poem raises the question whether we should be prisoners of events in our lives, or if we have the ability to always change and live many lives. Maybe life requires us to be more fluid than society instills in us to be.

Maria Elisa Castellanos Solá said...

Although strong, the metaphor has a bias in his comical expression. The narrative of the poem is very descriptive and the reader can imagine the scene described the lightness of bringing humor to the density of the poem. But that mood has a sarcastic tone that accentuates the intention of the poem.

Henry Victor, PhD said...

Thanks for reading and commenting. Your comments are an evidence to your understanding the intent of poet's heart. What you describe as "sarcastic tone", I consider as the prophet's inveighing the superficial values he discerns in the society.