Wednesday, February 5, 2020


by the river i bend down
to note down
in my note-book
for i hear the water flow
but see not the bottom of bed
not even knee deep

i breathe the fresh air
but creeps that ugly doubt
i think i feel the pollutant
inside the hairy cave
as my eyes gaze across
the floating smoke

but breeze brings closer
the tall grass
while the flower on crown kisses
my cheeks

does it also say:
take it easy

now i become truly aware
of my ignorance
of the music of another language

earlier my eardrums
did vibrate
for songs of winged friends

and my eyes
transcending colour
determines my career and size
of my worn out wallet

there, once i saw
the transcendental unity
the perfect blending of north
with south
with a clout of the latter
in the human litter by the river
it read, SUN-RYPE:
apple banana with citrus pectin
and natural flavor
a perfect dried fruit snack
recommended, also for those striving hard
to keep harm count low

henry victor      18.06.2003

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just saw your presence here. Thank you. I will check your writing. Thanks. My warm wishes to you. Henry