Thursday, June 28, 2018

Saskatchewan River

i went by the Saskatchewan River
my new guru and an untiring comforter
this time, just to thank her
for the previous day’s lesson, my only offer

also for the quarter, much bigger
rise from the usual nickel
she gave me as i beat the trickles
of the spring rain, to explore her

further change for my soul
now hardened like a range of mountains
evolved through a long time
difficult to get rid of like the lime

deposited inside my kettle
that boils water
a generous gift
of the Saskatchewan River

henry victor     04.05.2007

a revisit

i revisited my school that made me
a man of some worth
there i went to see my old two-room
little quarter above that abandoned store

that housed me for five thick years
of life that made my mind fat
and very productive too
and as i climbed the stair

that now ended just in air
and fear engulfed my heart
that i may fall; so i stepped out
of bed and eased my self

henry victor      26.05.2007

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

more attention!

i saw myself this morning
in every nook and corner
excusing my daughter
for her little age

her youth
apologizing three times
‘oh, she is only a puppy’
as i encountered the senior

exercising with Woofy
a cairn terrier
very undisciplined, unruly
following other dogs

on the walking trail
pleading for more patting
considering other walkers
as her faithful master

but not mine

henry victor      15.05.2007


i saw in me a comical behavior
filling water in a leaking pot
and to this i added another routine
the task of faithful locking gates

for my yard, behind and front
with fine and secure padlocks
while the entire fence
of my enclosure had crumbled down

henry victor      14.05.2007

costly play!

i do not claim to discern Him well
but i’m certain too many will yell
if, with confidence, i dared to tell
for His play this world and my kind
He did fashion placing folks like me in a stable hell

He always does bring me a copper
when i beseech Him for a dollar
part of that He also expects me to offer
in His temple as the plate is passed for offering
kicking me hard as if i’m not His toddler

i quickly run to Him for rain for my lawn
desiring in sight and in heart much green
He does give me much rain for my lawn
drowning also the earthworms, the jugular vain
maintaining my green, impoverishing my lawn

i do not claim to discern Him well
but i’m certain too many will yell
if, with confidence, i dared to tell
for His play this world and my kind
He did fashion placing folks like me in a stable hell

henry victor      05.05.2007

Monday, June 25, 2018

climbing the glass

i am like the spider
climbing the glass window
keep slipping
to the bottom

of unemployment
and poverty
making no progress
in prosperity

except a poetic rhythm!
but i like the tiny creature
keep struggling

in which there is music
transforming into an energy
maintaining a movement
within my soul

carrying a dream
of becoming a new being
cherishing the dance
of the man from Nazareth

wearing the crown
of thorns
and crucified with nothing
but his loin cloth

and to be buried
by the little known Nicodemus
a dance impossible
and seldom found in a Bishop

wearing a miter, a pectoral cross
an amethyst stone, and slimy vestments
a contemporary high priest
robed in Pilate’s robe

henry victor      17.05.2007

dust to dust

i read collecting novel dreams
and additional information with breaking news
for my students in classrooms to beat
every dust in way to their becoming

greedily push my offerings
into tiny minds like huge gunny bags
assuming a smooth
and successful sailing in this world

i read collecting novel dreams
and additional information with breaking news
for men, women, and children of dust
with pretentious and pious faces in holy spaces

they sing and dance my offerings
into hardened hearts like multi-holed paper bags
assuming they now had in hand
their passport to a nether world

with neither a smooth sailing in this world
nor a hope to enter an after-world
of gods and goddesses
i with a firm conviction of my being dust

and to dust i return i now pause
to look at the present moment, soon to fly away
like dust on the surface of this world
before another present, yet another dust, is present

henry victor      07.05.2007

Note: Picture here is a photograph of my two-year-old granddaughter Josephine Victor’s artistic creation!

Sunday, June 24, 2018

my walk in the wilderness


gurus, greatness guides, golden rules
the celestine prophecy, the secret
and the source of bubbling springs
these were my delights

while walking the wilderness
with the monk who sold his Ferrari
during my days of depression
learning soon, feeling wellness

leads to seeing wellness
transforming my bone and skin
into an untainted wellness
implanting deep within my soul

another spring of wellness
from where waves and waves of love
reaches the shores of many men
women and children in pain!

henry victor     19.05.2007

prowling always

Satan, i observed, working hard
day and night establishing influence;
he is there when warmly welcomed
or deliberately denounced!

Satan, i see, likes all forms of attention
no matter whether it comes dressed
in negativity, a sense of rejection
or in a form of positive appreciation

Satan is like that puppy
never taking my ‘no’
as my genuine answer
to leave me alone!

henry victor      16.05.2007

Saturday, June 23, 2018

flooding of the Blue Nile

an emptiness clouds around
a feeling of losing battle
not just in one front
but in many fronts simultaneously

continuing coughing also causes pain
to flow like Blue Nile
from throat to other limbs
not for nourishing
but for destroying life
above all controlling
the freer expression of words
like a poem refusing the making
making me a poet unpublished
walking into the pit prematurely

i have cried many times to Heaven
above, and deep within
to release me, my little self from chain
preventing my flight into freedom
where i am no longer enslaved
by the little that thinks big

henry victor      01.06.2007

Friday, June 22, 2018


in my little boat i have left the shore
and intend not to return
until i reach the shore
far beyond that horizon

and from citizens there i learn
the art of sailing in rough seas
in my small boat
with a hole in the bottom floor

gulls did declare the regime change
in my home town
and the fishing eagles, to me did inform
my house had been consumed by fire

but i intend not to return
to bury the dead
until i reach the shore
far beyond that horizon

and from citizens there i learn
the art of rowing in rough seas
in my small boat
with a hole in the bottom floor

henry victor     18.08.2007

Thursday, June 21, 2018

i blame not


i blame not my gods
nor do i worship
my gods with humble piety
my revolts
too have ended

but i go to the temple
to watch my gods
with those folks
i see around me

i neither dance
nor have i ceased
to dance
but i see
and my eyelids
move not

henry victor     18.08.2007

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

dogs barked

dogs barked a lot last night
i know they saw
which i refused to see at night
as i rolled on bed at night

i also pulled to hold tight
my blanket
my eyelids too
closing very tight

my eyes though feel not
the sleep i much desired!
at dawn, from my bed i’m out
and in hand an empty wallet

with eyes
wide open!

henry victor     18.08.2007

Monday, June 18, 2018



you were just a few months old
when we bought a dozen of budgies
to keep the house noisy and colorful
it was then that one of these birds
got out of our aviary

that tore my heart and caused me pain
not because of the loss of my funds
or the decrease in the sound
but the escapee knew not
to survive in the outside world
marked by too many predators

now with three months more
for you to be eighteen
and with your flight
away from my sight
the same concern surfaced in my heart
leaving me with a sleepless night

henry victor      26.09.2007

Sunday, June 17, 2018

bliss in ignorance

in ignorance
and more
in ignorance of one’s own ignorance
there is a perfect bliss
the bliss of a tortoise
inside her secured, secluded shell!

in ignorance
nothing is ever complex
for all are too simple
and for all
one has a simple answer: God’s Will
surfacing from the shallow waves
on that sea of ignorance!

but drown me, O my Master
in the depth of the ocean, the confusion
that is generated
from the multitude
of the multifaceted truth
or in that drowning, that death
there is, for sure, my bliss
my own restlessness!

henry victor      21.09.2007

Saturday, June 16, 2018

flowers in the wild

the flowers in the wild
turned down my invitation
to sit beside the flowers in the vase
in that grandiose palace

open merely for an hour
or, may be, a little more!
preferring cold
and a windy breeze

they flatly refuse
the flattery gossips of guests
and the wrangling
within the vase

henry victor      06.09.2007

town is empty!

death is in the home, inside
or is it out on the road
i am, right now, confused
Wednesday cannot be so quiet
that too at 8.00 A.M!

i have this ghostly feeling
being unkind to my little girl
making her walk the ghost town
she detested so much
before picking enough courage
to finally fly away from my cage!

i myself would not linger
around a cemetery for so long
if i am not an undertaker
busying with burying pain
and counseling the grieving town

henry victor     26.09.2007

Friday, June 15, 2018

quest for life

is it my determination
to kick death
or is it the resolve of the providence
to provide me life
determining my direction?

or is it the combination
when clicks well together
brings about a revolution
in my laughter that is louder

than a thunder in my heart
right now, preventing in me
either a peaceful death
or a delightful dancing in life?

but now i sit here in this mall
with neither hot nor cold spirit
to read lines on faces small
that i may scribble a sonnet

henry victor     30.01.2009

Tuesday, June 5, 2018


i walk that old trail
with hope to beat a little
the sugar count
but more to leave another trail

my walk along the river
with a little quiver
caused by my bone
not ready to fight a beaver

i return from my stride
excited like a bride
elevated by the groom
himself driving that ride

though it was only a coin
that i added to my loin
but sure there were hugs
and a kiss from that grass crown

henry victor     18.06.2003


deep within the forest
elephants walk
the un-walked trails

deep within the forest
wild pigs work
the un-worked land

deep within the forest
eagles reach
the un-reachable heights

henry victor     18.06.2003

walk the path of Jesus

i have halted my hoping
for your encouragement
and you sustaining my work
of justice and reconciliation

and i expect not you
the patron of the patronizing
rich and the insensitive pretenders
to keep my vision alive

for i am brutally betrayed
by the same kiss of Judas, the pan handler
and cautiously rejected
by the chief priests and caesars of today

and thereafter cruelly crucified
by the sadistic fun loving masses
but will i not continue in the same path
of that crucified Jesus of Nazareth

henry victor     21.06.2003

Friday, June 1, 2018


persons with feeling, flesh, and fluid
dark red and names making melody
too often are recreated as a digit
and dubbed into the tub named client!

efficient handling requires that;
to see numbers instead people, turning
them dependent on systems whose success
is calculated by the multiplying work platforms!

free thoughts here are not permitted
to fertilize with human sentiments of pain
or joy to name but the flag, professionalism
is hoisted to keep the maddening rat race!

henry victor     20.07.2002