Tuesday, July 31, 2018


i have friends in both camps
in which you are denied
and in that you are affirmed
i have some in that middle too

hence i easily walk in and walk out
into all camps, knowing too well
neither my aflame affirmations
nor my denials make your being

and what matters is my becoming
a friend affirming strengths inbuilt
for both affirmation,  or denial
of you beyond that fragile me in all

henry victor          13.04.2010

Sunday, July 29, 2018

kiss from my granddaughter

she knows to kiss
and many kisses on my cheeks
she has stamped
and that too lovingly

so from her
i plead for a kiss
holding her closer
to my wrinkled face

she licks my face
as if painting with her tongue
and then giggles
as if, now, it’s done

henry victor          08.07.2018

Friday, July 27, 2018

painting fresh

let me wipe your canvas
erasing the previous scribbles
you may once again paint
paint your fresh pictures

your new grace, or roll
on it as you drool
from your soft lips
that have kissed me much

or can i pick the raspberries
from my bush i have grown
before, to me, you were visible
and blow the worms away

henry victor          22.07.2018


Thursday, July 26, 2018

echoes of fear

i loved her with the power
of the morning sun
but that love’s only echoes
are those of fear as stark

as the darkest night
with neither love’s closest moon
not its most distant star;
did a secret worm

enter my heart to infect my love
that now resonates in her heart
as horror prompting her
to distance herself from me

henry victor        04.02.2010

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

my predicament

with my right hand
i held tight the head
of the creepy creature
curled around my body

lest she stung
while like a monkey
i clung
with my left

on to the ladder
that led to my safety
at the end, in middle

i did hang
unable to let go
from my hand
her flexible

but venomous head
attached stiffly
to the body
coiled to mine

that i could not
pull up
or let it down
to my deathbed

henry victor      03.01.2007


health is my wealth

too much food
and all kinds of drink
brings me headache

also much sleepiness
i keep it away
i may have more health
and that’s my wealth

henry victor      01.01.2007

Monday, July 23, 2018

growing stature and status

i am growing, increasing in size
with more wisdom, needing for self
yet another leg that third leg
to lift all that extra weight

i am growing, increasing in stature
and status; hence towards a cozy couch
to which i would be guided
with much praise and fan-fare

that comfy bed, to me will provide
an uninterrupted sleep
with neither nightmares of jealousies
nor daydreams of self-pomposity

henry victor      14.01.2007

Sunday, July 22, 2018

dreaming the destiny

from wilderness i returned home
journeying by shallow but longer channels
creeping also through constricting tunnels!
i did move fast on a flat road

by a motorized vehicle
continuously getting wet
and traveling with the threat
of being run over by trains

coming from the opposite direction
with no space to step out
of the narrow burrows
making longer waiting a necessity!

and more were temptations to pick
unwanted luggage strewn and scattered
by an earlier trekker like me
helplessly lost control of his walk

henry victor     03.01.2007

Saturday, July 21, 2018

beyond the psalm twenty-nine

when the ideals of the Nazarene
evaporates in the crucible
of the empty episcopacy
filled to the brim with hypocrisy

then it slips into putting on
a magnificent clothing
enjoying the political influence
it can exert  and the tribal strength

assigning self-glory and power
speaking with arrogance
and thundering over those paid reverence
to the humble man from Nazareth!

there the episcopal voice
breaks the cedars
making Edmonton skip like a calf
and the new immigrant like an ox

young but wild
the brutal feminine voice
flashes forth flames of fire
bringing to knees

the Asian and the African wise men!
this vicious voice causes
also the withering of oaks, stripping
the forest bare and the temple pews empty

henry victor      07.01.2007

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

names and not titles

in the spirit i was lifted up
to see angels calling names
names after names
mentioning not a single title

as they opened that single gate
to heaven like the custom officer
letting passengers through
that single door

to an outgoing flight
the rest the angels
pushed them into hell
as if pushing empty cans

into the garbage
the dump
even if they had letters
that are official

in that port the only criterion
for entrance being
that which is real
the stamp on the conscience

henry victor      08.02.2007

forgive me for seeking forgiveness

foolishly i feel guilty
and turn to you for mercy
and pardon in the past

many times

for sins of my adolescent
and youth-filled years

for wrongs
i was not responsible
but dictated and delivered
beyond my will

by the testosterone
or another hormone
deposited deep within self

forgive me now
for seeking forgiveness
and deny me help
if out of lazy foolishness
i turn to you
instead of investigating
deep within my body
and mind
the way to control
my urge

henry victor      22.02.2007

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

escape impossible

with hardly a few drizzle
from the sky
the rain flooded the road
pouring water from roof top

also into the house
as if a giant bath tap
open now from a height

putting me and my household
out of our comfortable bed;
add to that i saw water
flowing from the road

through the door into our abode
and the waves in the ocean
nearby rising higher
as if giving birth to a monster

a monstrous tsunami
making an escape impossible!
and as i reflected i wondered
whether the end was imminent

henry victor      23.02.2007

two little goslings

as the sun went down to settle
in his home before the nightfall 
i went for a stroll
along a man-made canal

and in the twilight my eyes fell
now on a gosling stuck
on a cement crack
making her un-swim able

to run to her company
and she pulled and pulled until
a piece of skin too was floating
so i bent down to pick

to hold and to heal
the injured gosling
but trusting not my stance
that was nothing but pastoral

she swam as fast as she could
with one hand holding the hanging piece
i walked further and much farther
with a helpless thought

and a new pain in my heart
only to encounter yet another
gosling lost and lonely
and again i stretched my hand

picking her from waters cold
to hold her closer to my warm chest
while she trustingly
settled in my palm

henry victor       28.03.2007


Sunday, July 15, 2018

melting glaciers

two little glaciers
on my neighbour’s roof
receding, melting
to create little streams

that waters
my neighbour’s lawn
soon, i know
there will be green

and stubborn cold
will be no more
in my heart

henry victor      07.03.2007

Saturday, July 14, 2018


healing i need to focus
i need to grasp
but it is a little stone
smooth and slippery

too small
for my oily fingers
to confidently grip
to store in my soul

but more colourful
and easily graspable
distract my eyes to play
with, tempting my fingers

but i remain resolute
to that stone, uncut
appropriating in heart
the healing to heal

henry victor      07.03.2007

grace to serve

my love for winged creatures
dragged me into the wilderness
the home of the wild beasts
my focus on feathers blinded

me utterly until i was just behind
the lioness following a little rabbit
now aware of grace
that saved me i quickly climbed

a wall to walk out of the wilds
only to encounter a tiger
that graciously gave me
just a mere eye contact

and let me walk through
dodging a herd of elephants
i may save my brother pursued
by two domestic wild angry dogs!

henry victor      02.03.2007

Friday, July 13, 2018

death desired

death desired not for self
but the mice in my house
remaining invincibly invisible
but leaving exact evidence
than the invisible God
my undivided attention!

pain in my heart is perplexing
when food offered is dodged
and not consumed
though the very best
nourishment is presented
with delicate care
for my fingers
lest they get trapped

henry victor      01.03.2007

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

etching not my image

after sufficiently resting
i now sit silently
in my quiet home
neither hot nor cold

i sit with my note pad
and pen with desire to write
desiring also to teach
transform my daughter’s heart

but i know too well
gods and goddesses will permit
not to etch my image in her soul
or my mind to dream for her

a Lewis Stephen
a Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
or another simpleton, an activist
a campaigner of clean air for all

i also know, for sure, that boat
making is never taught
but only caught
in silent shores of the deep river

henry victor      12.03.2007


the monster in human

the monster in human
grew bigger and bigger
like the jinni in the bottle
becoming dangerously dreadful

so i departed from the human
habitation going into the wilderness
deeper and much deeper
but i still smelt, i heard, i felt

the monster in human;
and in my mental eyes
with no eyelids i still saw
clearly and very clearly the monster

henry victor      13.04.2007

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

too early

too early to dive, to swim
or for fishing
too early to make love
to make a nest, or for dreaming

some yell at the lake still frozen
to dive, swim, or fishing
some, perhaps, more matured
wait, patiently, until the wind blows

and the sun softens to melt
thick ice to water
that the fish may come up
to peep, to celebrate the spring

and sacrifice their flesh
that you may eat and drink
to make love
and multiply before you leave

henry victor      11.04.2007

stopping by an unkempt lawn

the train journey was long!
the whole night it did prolong
but i was down, from train, by dawn 
beside an unkempt lawn

neither my family nor me
knew why we got off at such a wee
hour of the day when destination
had not arrived; nor was this a station

for a train to stop! but white bunnies
two that drew my immediate notice
and at the end, i happened to learn
that these two, the only i did yearn

not to own did i, with folks, stop here
but with spouse and spawn to care!
my destiny did pass through this land
this lonely prairie property so grand

someone content with their lot of no gain
earlier, too had stopped to touch the pain
the wounds of these helpless creatures
and it is my turn now to love the bunnies

henry victor      21.04.2007

Monday, July 9, 2018

kiss from y granddaughter

she knows to kiss
and many kisses on my cheeks
she has stamped
and that too lovingly

so from her
i plead for a kiss
holding h
er closer
to my wrinkled face

she licks my face
as if painting with her tongue
and then giggles
as if, now, it’s done

henry victor          08.07.2018

refusing the crown

what makes me a poet
whose thoughts are drawn
and constructed in series
of ‘broken line’

that many in portals
of academia
may eventually sideline
considering it a wasted talent

is it my inclination
to refuse the crown
with my protesting
to act as the crowd clown

not like a man
with a herd instinct
with no mind to own

henry victor      17.04.2007

Saturday, July 7, 2018

marching to a different beat

i do all the times

in academia among assess
that carry heavy books
in ecclesia among foxes
that carry a single book
and also in malls
in the absence of relevance
referring to books

i march to a different beat

marching to a different beat
i do all the times

suffering pain
with loss of gain
and pushed out of circle
until much later i stumble
alone, and stride
and re-circling
putting me back
into the loop

marching to a different beat
i do all the times
in the company of Copernicus
Jan Hus, and that ‘us’
the single most catalyst
to save multitude of ‘them’
otherwise thrown out
from that distinct sphere

marching to a different beat
i do all the times
and walk towards the cup of poison
to be served as a reward
and towards that crown of thorns
to be worn
but naked
as i march forward
towards a contemporary cross
to be condemned

henry victor      24.04.2007